Friday, August 17, 2012

Splat-ter of the Week: The Presidential Candidates

The one issue Americans seem to agree on these days is that we're tired of the divisive political atmosphere in Washington.

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney claimed to feel the same way, with each having expressed a desire to curtail partisan bickering and change the climate on the Hill and in our country.

We know that issues like the economy and health care have polarized the population for years now, making civil, fact-based discourse a lofty and ambitious goal that requires exploration of largely uncharted territory.

And yet, in a situation that demands the political equivalents of Lewis and Clark, we find ourselves with Lenny and Squiggy.  It's not even Labor Day and our presidential "hopefuls" have already slung enough mud to drown a sounder of swine.

We don't care which campaign veered off the moral high road first.  Both got hopelessly lost mere moments into the journey.  During a rally this week, Joe  "Now You Know Why I Used To Plagiarize" Biden suggested that the Republicans were somehow running on a slavery platform. The Romney camp ensured the rhetoric stayed in the ditch by accusing Obama of sowing discord along racial and class lines (while telling us to stop worrying our pretty little heads about his tax returns). And those are just this week's examples.

When we said we wanted a change in the political climate in Washington, we weren't asking for global warming, for crying out loud.

Step on up and get your golden pancakes, commander-in-chief wannabes. And please forgive us if we don't turn on our TV for the next three months.


  1. And they are spending about $2B each to wallow in the mud pit. Oh, for a statesman to vote for, but what statesman would subject himself to the race?

  2. Seriously! I wish these two would take their show to a Red Door or some other establishment where mud-flinging skills are appreciated.
